Dr VD Mehta: The Story of ‘’Synthetic Fibre Man’’ of India

In view of his humble beginning and his academic, research and professional achievements, Dr VD Mehta would inspire and serve as a role model...
COVID-19: Will India Face Third Wave?

COVID-19: Will India Face Third Wave?

India has reported constant rise in number of Covid-19 infection in some states, which may be an alarm of third wave of Covid-19. Kerala...

Economic Impact of India’s COVID-19 vaccination 

A working paper on Economic Impact of India’s vaccination and related measures by Stanford University and Institute for Competitiveness was released today.    https://twitter.com/mansukhmandviya/status/1628964565022314497?cxt=HHwWgsDUnYWpn5stAAAA According to...

Happy New Year

The India Review wishes Happy New Year to our readers

Emerging Opportunity for Indian Medical Professionals in the UK

The new government led by Prime Minister Boris Johnson has announced to roll new points-based immigration system from January 2021. Under this system, the...

Caste-based Census in Bihar Begins Today  

In spite of all the commendable progresses made, unfortunately, birth-based, social inequality in the form of caste remains an ultimate ugly reality of Indian...

ISRO’s SSLV-D2/EOS-07 Mission accomplished successfully

ISRO has successfully placed three satellites EOS-07, Janus-1, and AzaadiSAT-2 into their intended orbits using SSLV-D2 vehicle. https://twitter.com/isro/status/1623895598993928194?cxt=HHwWhMDTpbGcnoktAAAA In its second developmental flight, the SSLV-D2...

Apartment sold for Rs 240 Crore (about £24 million) in Mumbai...

A 30,000 square feet apartment in Mumbai has been sold at price of Rs 240 Crore (about £24 million.  The apartment, a triplex penthouse, in...
India Successfully Tests Extended Range Brahmos Air Launched Missile

India Successfully Tests Extended Range Brahmos Air Launched Missile  

Indian Air Force (IAF) today successfully fired the Extended Range Version of Brahmos Air Launched missile against a Ship Target from a SU-30MKI fighter...

Narendra Modi: What Makes Him What He is ?

Minority complex involving insecurity and fear is not limited to Muslims alone in India. Now, Hindus too seems to be affected by sense of...

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